Sara's Fave Photos Blog

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Published Sunday, March 20, 2016, OK personal/derivative use; link

Fruit display

The Tuesday Market in San Miguel was huge and colorful. I didn’t dare eat the peeled fruit, but it was so beautiful.

Peeled tropical fruit on display at the Tuesday Market in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Peeled tropical fruit on display at the Tuesday Market in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Mangoes, bananas, oranges, apples and strawberries on display at the market

Mangoes, bananas, oranges, apples and strawberries on display at the market

See Our World Tuesday, Monday Mellow Yellows, Ruby Tuesday 2, Outdoor Wednesday, Orange You Glad It’s FridayPhoto Friday, Pink Saturday, Straight out of the Camera Sunday, and Saturday Show Off. Thanks for visiting and please come back soon!

Published Thursday, November 29, 2012, OK personal/derivative use; link

Fruit bowl

Winter in Seattle, so far north, can be challenging when the light is so reduced. But the good part of the low-angled sun is that when it actually is sunny, the light streams in the south windows and makes marvelous shadows. This is my kitchen counter the other day. I love this image and I’m calling it my Best Post of the Week. Thanks for stopping by!

Participating in SOOC Sunday (straight out of the camera), Shadow Shot Sunday 2, My Romantic Home, Mellow Yellow Monday, Macro Monday, and Ruby Tuesday 2.

fruit bowl, still life, shadows, apples, oranges, pears, tomatoes, pineapple, round

Published Friday, December 10, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link

Fruit plate

We’re going to a potluck brunch tomorrow so I thought I’d make something healthy. Fruit plates can be challenging at this time of year, but these yummy organic grapes should be a hit.

Visit Macro Friday for more interesting close ups and Color Carnival for more bright colors..

If there’s only the one photo showing here, click on Sara’s Fave Photos for more.

red grapes, orange slices, yellow, pineapple slices, white platter, wholesome, fresh, food