Sara's Fave Photos Blog

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Published Sunday, November 9, 2014, OK personal/derivative use; link

Nail art

Passing by a Hispanic beauty salon in Burien, I saw these decorated nails in the window. My goodness gracious.

Gems and silver swirls decorate long artificial nails

Gems and silver swirls decorate long artificial nails

Linking up with Our World TuesdayThursday Challenge (Pink), Pink Saturday, and Saturday Show Off. Thanks so much for visiting here and please—come back soon.

Published Saturday, January 24, 2009, OK personal/derivative use; link

Chair Shadow

This was taken in March at the other house, and the light in it seems so bright and clear on this dim January day today. But I read the sun rises at 7:44 and sets at 5:00 tomorrow, so we’re up to over nine hours of daylight, up from a mere 8 at solstice. The days do lengthen, but so slowly.

For more fascinating shadows, click HERE.
