Sara's Fave Photos Blog

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Published Monday, August 17, 2015, OK personal/derivative use; link

Poppy seed pods

Wish I’d thought to take one of these to sprinkle in my garden.

Dried seed heads of the poppy plant in the garden

Dried seed heads of a poppy plant in a garden, about knee high or so

Linking up with Our World Tuesday, I Heart Macro Saturday, Macro Monday, Outdoor Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World (WATW), Floral Friday, My Romantic Home, Today’s Flowers, Straight out of the Camera Sunday, Scenic Weekends, and Saturday Show Off. Thank you for your visit here, and hope to see you again very soon.

Published Thursday, October 2, 2014, OK personal/derivative use; link

California poppy

California poppies (the State Flower of California) are so beautiful in their simplicity. Very pretty and dependable in the garden, but reseed almost too easily. I deadhead to keep them from taking over.

Orange California poppies in my Seattle garden

Orange California poppies in my Seattle garden

Joining up with Skywatch Friday, Our World TuesdayToday’s Flowers, Floral Friday, Outdoor Wednesday, Garden Party Thursday, I Heart Macro Saturday, Macro Monday, NF Blo-Ma Tuesday, NF Catching the Light Monday, Monday Mellow Yellows, Orange You Glad It’s Friday, Mandarin Orange MondayShadow Shot Sunday 2Straight out of the Camera Sunday, My Romantic Home, and Saturday Show Off. Thank you so much for your visit here and do click on Sara’s Fave Photos above if only one photo is visible here.

Published Saturday, June 7, 2014, OK personal/derivative use; link

Frilly pink poppy

Another beautiful sight at the South Seattle College Arboretum (see the post below), these huge, frilly, oriental poppies with pink, spotted petals were dazzling to me.

Frilly pink oriental poppies with black centers

Frilly pink oriental poppies with black centers

Joining up at Pink Saturday, I Heart Macro SaturdayMacro Monday, Our World Tuesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Straight out of the Camera Sunday, Garden Party Thursday, NF Blo-Ma Tuesday, Today’s Flowers, Floral Friday, and Saturday Show Off. Thank you for visiting here first, and be sure to stop back soon.

Published Monday, July 18, 2011, OK personal/derivative use; link

Icelandic poppies

I am told that the coral poppy I showed a couple of posts below is an icelandic poppy. These are quite tall, and I didn’t know that icelandic poppies got so big, but I’m no poppy expert. Here’s another look, for your pleasure. This photo keeps fascinating me, so I’m calling it my Best Post of the Week. Hope you agree.

Visit Mellow Yellow Monday, Macro Flowers Saturday, Macro Monday, Macro Friday, Color Carnival, Shadow Shot Sunday, Pink SaturdaySOOC Sunday (straight out of the camera), Ruby Tuesday, Outdoor Wednesday and Today’s Flowers. Please do click on the banner above, Sara’s Fave Photos, to see the latest photos here. And thanks for visiting!

red iceland poppy, red poppy macro, red simple poppy with yellow center

Published Thursday, July 14, 2011, OK personal/derivative use; link

Coral poppy macro

This poppy is from some seedlings my friend gave me last year. I was surprised to see this kind of poppy. Are they Iceland poppies? There are some exquisite red ones as well as this amazing coral pink color. They are quite tall, about 3 feet or a meter. Anyone know what kind they are?

Visit Macro Flowers Saturday, Macro Monday, Macro Friday, Color Carnival, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday, SOOC Sunday (straight out of the camera) and Today’s Flowers. While you’re here, do click around here and there to see what you might find. I promise many pretty pictures for you!

iceland poppy, close up, macro, coral pink simple poppy, backlit flower