Sara's Fave Photos Blog

Archive for the 'Portrait' Category

Published Saturday, September 17, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link

Brown Cow

Out in the countryside, in Lewis County, WA, this lovely bovine posed for a photo. Mooooooo.

Beautiful soft brown cow, outstanding in her field

Linking up with Through My Lens Monday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Skywatch FridayPink Saturday, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.

Published Friday, December 24, 2021, OK personal/derivative use; link

Fear not!

“And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not!'” This is one of my favorite quotes from the Bible. Especially good for this year, these times. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Angel sculpture at the Cloisters in New York City

Also on Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday and Shadow Shot Sunday 2. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.

Published Friday, January 8, 2021, OK personal/derivative use; link

Two kitties

Looking through my archives, found this peaceful photo of a friend’s cats staying warm. Isn’t this relaxing just to look at?

Two kitty friends nap in cozy bed

Also at Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Thankful Thursday, Timeless Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.

Published Wednesday, January 22, 2020, OK personal/derivative use; link

Kitty in grass shadows

Oh, photo archives are a treasure. So many photos, and after a few years, some are completely new to me. I took that? Apparently I did, on a garden tour ten years ago. Here’s to July, and kitties, and sunshine!

A very relaxed orange kitty named Tully, basking in sun and summertime shadows

Also linking with Through My Lens Monday1, Macro Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Feline Friday, Camera Critters, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.

Published Friday, June 8, 2018, OK personal/derivative use; link

Orange pants

This is one of those photos…I just like, even love. Hope you do too.

Yellow top, orange terra cotta pants, and a tattoo or two

Connecting up with Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Pictorial Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World (WATW)Orange You Glad It’s Friday, Friday Just Be, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, My Sunday Photo, and Sunday Snap. I hope you enjoy your day, and please come visit here again soon.

Published Sunday, March 25, 2018, OK personal/derivative use; link

Happy 10th blogoversary to me!

Believe it or not, I’ve been posting my top fave photos on this blog for TEN YEARS! In honor of the occasion, I think I’ll post a photo of me, which I never do, taken by a friend on my recent trip to San Miguel.

Thank you, dear reader, for your friendly visits, and especially your comments. Right this minute, there are 24,319 comments in the blog. And not one comment—not even one!—has ever been anything but kind, sometimes insightful, and occasionally even admiring. What a different world from some other online spaces. Thank you all. Here’s to another ten years.

Me in Mexico in February.

Also posting this on Through My Lens Monday, Blue Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Our World Tuesday, Pictorial Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless WednesdayWordless Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World (WATW)Orange You Glad It’s Friday, Pink Saturday, My Sunday Photo, and Sunday Snap. Have a great day and come back soon.

Published Tuesday, February 6, 2018, OK personal/derivative use; link

Peacock head and feathers

From that Florida Flamingo Gardens trip, back a couple of years ago. Who doesn’t like peacocks?

Brilliantly colored display of iridescent feathers of the male peacock

Also in Through My Lens MondayMacro Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Pictorial Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World (WATW), Camera Critters, Pink Saturday, My Sunday Photo, and Sunday Snap. If only one photo is showing here, please click on the curly letters of Sara’s Fave Photos Blog above to see a few more.

Published Monday, January 1, 2018, OK personal/derivative use; link

Dusty on the couch

Dusty is almost 20, and still knows how to chill and purr.

Dusty kitty in the sunbeams meditates on the turn of the year

Adding this post to Through My Lens Monday, Macro MondayTuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Our World Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday, Friday Just Be, Orange You Glad It’s Friday, Camera Critters, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Pink Saturday. If only one photo is showing above, please click on the curly letters of Sara’s Fave Photos Blog above to see a few more. Thanks!

Published Sunday, December 25, 2016, OK personal/derivative use; link

Dusty at Christmas

Our kitty Dusty, happy and relaxed on a lap at Christmas.

Dusty kitty at Christmas

Posting this link at Our World Tuesday, Monday Mellow YellowsMacro Monday, Outdoor Wednesday (Christmas), Photo Friday, Camera Critters, and Pink Saturday. Thanks for your visit here first, and hope to see you again soon.

Published Tuesday, April 12, 2016, OK personal/derivative use; link

Babies, San Miguel

Since the streets and sidewalks are quite uneven in San Miguel de Allende (vast understatement!), strollers just don’t cut it.

Baby in hat with ears, in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Baby gazing, in hat with ears, in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Adorable baby with red hat and ball in San Miguel de Allende

Adorable baby in hat and boots with ball in San Miguel de Allende

Connecting to Our World Tuesday, Travel Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday 2Outdoor Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday, Orange You Glad It’s FridayPhoto Friday, Pink SaturdayShadow Shot Sunday 2, Straight out of the Camera Sunday, and Saturday Show Off. I appreciate your visit. Sign up in the upper right to receive email notifications of posts.

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