Sara's Fave Photos Blog

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Published Saturday, April 27, 2019, OK personal/derivative use; link

Orchid cactus

These giant orchid cactus now at Seattle’s Volunteer Park Conservatory are each as big as my hand!

Orchid cactus or Epiphyllum is one of the showiest flowers, with white stamen and anthers

Linking to Macro Monday, Through My Lens Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless WednesdayWordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, All Seasons Sunday1, and Sunday Snap. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon!

Published Sunday, April 14, 2019, OK personal/derivative use; link

Bouquet of peach carnations

Wish you could smell their crisp fragrance.

Frilly edges and soft shadows on this macro of mini peach carnations

Joining Through My Lens Monday, Macro Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless WednesdayWordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, All Seasons Sunday1, and Sunday Snap. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon!

Published Friday, March 29, 2019, OK personal/derivative use; link

Orange clivia

This beautiful bulb plant, related to amaryllis, grows well in mass plantings in Mexico. But here it is in our own Volunteer Park Conservatory!

Deep orange clivia with yellow throat, blooming in ray of sunshine inside Seattle’s Volunteer Park Conservatory

Posting this on Through My Lens Monday, Macro Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless WednesdayWordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, All Seasons Sunday1, and Sunday Snap. Thanks for visiting here and hope to see you again soon.

Published Wednesday, March 27, 2019, OK personal/derivative use; link

Bird of Paradise bud

OK, now I know why these plants are called Bird of Paradise. Doesn’t this flower bud look just like a bird’s head?

Bud of Bird of Paradise flower in Seattle’s Volunteer Park Conservatory

Linking to Through My Lens Monday, Macro Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless WednesdayWordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday,  All Seasons Sunday1, and Sunday Snap. Thanks for visiting here and hope to see you again soon.

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2019, OK personal/derivative use; link

White daffodil

Don’t you love the translucence of the petals?

Delicate and tender bloom of a white daffodil at Seattle’s Volunteer Park Conservatory

Connecting up with Through My Lens Monday, Macro Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless WednesdayWordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, All Seasons Sunday1, and Sunday Snap. Thanks for visiting here and hope to see you again soon.

Published Saturday, December 15, 2018, OK personal/derivative use; link

Watching the train go by

The Holiday Express at Seattle’s Volunteer Park Conservatory is a big hit with train fans of all ages.

Little girl reflected in the glass around the Holiday Express Train in Seattle

Connecting up with Through My Lens Monday, Good Random Fun Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Our World Tuesday, Pictorial Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless WednesdayWordless Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World (WATW)Weekend Reflections, Orange You Glad It’s Friday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Saturday Cheesy Photo, All Seasons Sunday, My Sunday Photo, and Sunday Snap. Thanks for visiting here first.

Published Thursday, December 13, 2018, OK personal/derivative use; link

Red hibiscus

Poinsettias aren’t the only kind of Christmas flower. Behold the red hibiscus, as big as your hand.

Orange-red hibiscus blossom with swirly ruffled petals, in Seattle’s Volunteer Park Conservatory

Connecting up with Through My Lens Monday, Macro MondayGood Random Fun Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Our World Tuesday, Pictorial Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless WednesdayWordless Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World (WATW)Orange You Glad It’s Friday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, My Sunday Photo, and Sunday Snap. Thanks for visiting here first.

Published Monday, November 5, 2018, OK personal/derivative use; link

Glowing cape

At last week’s last Lusio light art fundraiser at Seattle’s Volunteer Park Conservatory, this person went all out with their glowy LED cape, perfect for the occasion.

Tones of purple among the darkened reaches of the Palm House at the Volunteer Park Conservatory

Please visit Through My Lens Monday, Good Random Fun Monday, Our World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday 2Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Pictorial Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World (WATW), Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, My Sunday Photo, and Sunday Snap, and hope to see you here again very soon.

Published Thursday, October 25, 2018, OK personal/derivative use; link

Teensy orchids

I know I’ve been using such technical plant names, but I can never remember the real names. Anyway, this stalk that looks like fountain grass is really little bitty orchids! So saith the Volunteer Park Conservatory, and they should know.

Very tiny orchids, in front of frilly white cymbidium orchids, commonly used for corsages

Connecting with Through My Lens MondayMacro Monday, Our World Tuesday, Pictorial Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday’s Theme of the Week, Wordless Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World (WATW), Friday Bliss, Floral Friday, Pink Saturday, My Sunday Photo, and Sunday Snap. Have a wonderful day and hope to see you around here soon.

Published Tuesday, October 16, 2018, OK personal/derivative use; link

Behind the Conservatory

I do post a lot of photos about Seattle’s Volunteer Park Conservatory, but here is a view that few are lucky enough to see. This glass structure is one of the support production greenhouses, seen on a sunny, early-fall afternoon last week. Volunteering has its perks!

Old fig tree and some shadows in the area behind the Volunteer Park Conservatory

Also linking with Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Pictorial Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless WednesdayWordless Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World (WATW), Friday BlissWeekend Reflections, Pink Saturday, My Sunday Photo, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Sunday Snap. Have a wonderful day and hope to see you around here again very soon.

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