Published Wednesday, July 15, 2009, OK personal/derivative use; link
Riverside Park
This small park in Renton WA on the Cedar River is so small or unimportant it doesn’t show on our AAA map. But it’s lovely and perfect on a warm day. We went to be someplace cool and quiet, and rested on the grass and looked at the leaves. It was wonderful.
In terms of Think Green Thursday, even though parks are not wilderness, they remind us of how powerful and meaningful the simple outdoors experience can be.
bobbie on 16 Jul 2009 at 2:27 am #
Sara, this is just beautiful. We all need places like this to help us unwind from daily hustle and bustle. I would love to relax in such a park. If you don’t mind, I’ll put this lovely relaxing photo on my screen savers, so I can enjoy a moment with it every so often.
mstoastburner on 16 Jul 2009 at 5:35 am #
Just as well that it’s not on a map. It’s nice to find special places that few people know about. Very nice…
bim on 16 Jul 2009 at 9:03 am #
How beautiful. I can see how half an hour there would recharge all batteries.
speakuplibrarian on 16 Jul 2009 at 5:55 pm #
Thanks for directing me to this photo, Sara. You’re right, I love it. It reminds me of the other park photo you posted. I thrive in spaces like that. Whenever I’m in a city, I’m always on the look out for parks and gardens to refresh my spirit.