Published Saturday, February 13, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
Pink tulips
These pink tulips at the Pike Place Market yesterday were just scrumptious to me, all dreamy looking in their cellophane dresses. And so close to Valentine’s Day, men one after the other were forking over money for armfuls.
Visit Pink Saturday for more visions of pink.
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Mimi on 14 Feb 2010 at 8:58 pm #
So sorry that I missed you yesterday. It seemed like the day just ran away from me! But, with this being ♥Valentine’s Day♥ what better time for me to stop by to see your Pink Saturday goodies.
It’s been a long and dark winter up here near Canada so filling myself up with pink is my way on the weekend of chasing away the blues – not that blue isn’t a nice color, too☺
Those tulips have left me breathless!
I ♥ coming here. All the pink and all the girlie stuff just floods my brain and makes me want to do a happy dance right where I sit!
Thanks so much for sharing. After all, isn’t sharing one of life’s greatest pleasures?
♫Happy Valentine’s Day♫