Published Wednesday, March 24, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
Black and white
Years ago I used to shoot TriX film. I learned to develop my own film, make contact sheets, and print enlargements in the darkroom with a red light. Shooting black-and-white film was a great exercise in learning to “see.” I chose better subjects and composed the frame better when I wasn’t distracted by the color.
Now any photo can become black and white, but which ones are actually improved by removing the color? I’ve sifted through the archives a bit and chosen three that seem interesting. But I really want your opinion. Would these be better in the regular, real and colorful way, or does this create a mood that is worth doing?
Visit Thursday Challenge (“Black and White”) for more visions of that theme.
You can always click on Sara’s Fave Photos above to return to full blog with latest post on top.
Misty Dawn on 25 Mar 2010 at 8:19 am #
Absolutely beautiful images. I LOVE that last photo of the horse.
Lisa - Alterity on 25 Mar 2010 at 8:55 am #
Gorgeous black and white photos…they are so hard to get just right and you really need good lighting for it!
NOEL on 25 Mar 2010 at 9:25 am #
i love your b&w images and your posts on gardening in your blog..have you joined blotanical?
Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh Make Something on 27 Mar 2010 at 2:17 pm #
beautiful photos! This is my first Pink Saturday and I am enjoying visiting around and seeing all of the pretties! Please drop in at my place and see my little Basket Full of Sunshine. until later….