Welcome to the very first post here on the new site, Love That Image. It so happens that this is the 751st post, so there were 750 in the old location. That’s quite a few in two and a half years. I must like posting photographs or something. Please do let me know how you like the new design and set-up. Be sure to browse in the Free Photos section for more searchable photos to use on your projects if you like.

Just for a break from holiday decorations, here’s a pretty chrysanthemum plant from a few short weeks ago. I do love the way they smell, so spicy and distinctive.

Visit Mellow Yellow Monday and Macro Monday, plus Color Carnival and Ruby Tuesday, for more great photos. And always check to see if this is the latest post by clicking on Sara’s Fave Photos, here or above.

chrysanthemum, hot house, coleus, buds, yellow center, red petals, starburst