Published Thursday, April 14, 2011, OK personal/derivative use; link
Tiny beachcomber
When the sun comes out, Seattlites get outside. We live for sunbreaks. This is the beach north of the Des Moines, WA, fishing pier, taken on a brief sunny interlude the other day. The clouds were doing their Spring thing, and only moments later looked completely different. These neat clouds make me call this my Best Post of the Week.
Visit Skywatch Friday for more skies from around the whole world. Outdoor Wednesday, Watery Wednesday, Scenic Sunday, Blue Monday and SOOC Sunday (straight out of the camera) are great memes, too. I’m trying a new meme, Photo Challenges (nature) this week. Be sure to browse around here first. Try a new tag or category at right, perhaps?
It’s nice to find another Washingtonian! This looks a a nice beach to go hike!
Excellent cloudscape! So much of interest, between that downward swoop of the topmost clouds, that little ridged bit, and the billowing clouds on the horizon.
Oh that cloud is so flirtatious. I love it. Hope you are having a great spring so far.
Looks like smoke signals in the sky. A terrific capture!
That cloud looks tornado to me. Just awesome it’s formed like that. Great shot!
Oh, goodie….my son has must finally have gotten a nice day. This is the way it is supposed to be this time of year. Blue skies, sun, and NO rain. Hope it is warming up for you all. It is lovely here in VA.
Is the beachcomber really tiny, or is the beach simply gargantuan?
Hey, my little pretty,
Sing a sky ditty,
Sing about the stars and the sun.
Hey, my little pretty,
Sing a night ditty,
Sing it when the day is all done.
© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Billowing Clouds, Red Barn
Beautiful beach scene and I love the cool shaped clouds. Happy skywatching!
What a lovely sky and a peaceful beach. I’m glad to have you as a follower for Around California.
What a wide welcoming sky. Love this photo with that tiny figure on the beach.
Great capture, Sara. The cloud looked like a giant comma in the sky, making us pause to enjoy the blue sight for a change.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lovely beach and what a pretty “whisp” of a cloud. Mickie 🙂
This is so great! I’m a skyscape addict – and yes, can get lost in the clouds on any given day. But don’t you just LOVE the convergence of these two main cloud formations? Thanks for this.
A beautiful spiral of cloud over a stunning beach scene!
love this…such a happy place!
Beautiful shot!
Thanks for linking up… I’m not sure what the problem was, but I got your link to submit. 🙂
Such a beautiful place. Great shot.
Those clouds are amazing! Great capture.
It looks like an angel wings and a face of an owl
The clouds looks amazing. Happy SOOC Sunday.
Beautiful shot of a beautiful scene.
Love the clouds,sky,and sea Still looks a little chilly
a breathtaking picture..just lovely and scenic!
Love your blue skies!
Happy Blue Monday, Sara.