This photo was taken of an outdoor planter on the street outside of Trudy’s Floral Design in Seattle, which by the way is having a Holiday Open House pretty soon on Thursday, November 10. Cyclamens are very beautiful in person, but their graceful flowers are hard to capture “on film,” as we used to say. That’s the great thing about digital; you can just take a dozen or so until you get one that works.

Take a browse at all the talent at Pink Saturday, Today’s Flowers, Weekend Flowers, Macro Friday, Color Carnival, Macro Monday, Macro Flowers Saturday, and Outdoor Wednesday. While you’re here, do look around, perhaps trying a new tag or category, clicking on the Sara’s Fave Photos banner to view the complete blog if you see only one photo below.

cyclamens macro, pink cyclamens, magenta cyclamens, graceful petals