Everybody loves sunsets. It’s just one of those human things, I guess, to love a beautiful thing that lasts but a moment. This sunset with Seattle’s iconic Space Needle in it was a silver lining, you might say, when I was trapped in traffic going down a big hill. I watched as the sky turned from gray clouds to pinkish and then peak at a deep coral with lavender undertones, and was able to stick my camera out of the side window and have at it. Just for Skywatch Friday!

Other fun memes in blogland are in Scenic Sunday, Outdoor Wednesday, SOOC Sunday (straight out of the camera), and Pink Saturday. Definitely worth a visit. Do browse around here first. If you have arrived via a link, click on the Sara’s Fave Photos banner above for the complete blog.

sunset, seattle, space needle, orange sky, pink sky, flaming sky, silhouetted buildings, skyline