Last year I posted a photo of the leaves of this lovely garden perennial, meadow rue, and here are the flowers. Each little puff is about the width of my finger, and the flowers are on top of a nice, tall plant at my eye level, which I appreciate. Perennials are the stars of the garden, as far as I am concerned. You get them going and they just keep doing their thing, all by themselves. So helpful!

It’s very hard to get the color exactly right. They are really a soft lavender, but this photo looks kind of magenta pink-ish. Sometimes photography seems so simple but is so challenging when you want to get an accurate rendering of color. I do my best, which is all anyone can do.

Interesting blogs around the planet are Today’s Flowers, Weekend Flowers, Floral FridayMacro Monday, Pink Saturday, Color Carnival, and Outdoor Wednesday. Don’t forget to follow this blog with the widget on the right if you enjoy the photos here.

lavender meadow rue, lavender puffs, perennial puff flowers