It’s too wet right now to go outside and find something blooming that looks nice enough to show you here. Only my fave photos get posted! Thought you’d like to see these pretty blue/purple flowers, a very sturdy grower and great cut flower. This perennial bachelor buttons or Centaurea montana (also called Mountain Bluet) was growing in my garden in May. I think they might be in the thistle family, and related to artichoke plants.

Participating in: My Romantic Home, Today’s Flowers, Floral Friday, Macro Monday, Weekend Flowers, SOOC Sunday (straight out of the camera) and Shadow Shot Sunday 2. If you only see one photo below, you might click on Sara’s Fave Photos Blog above or a tag at right to see many other pretty flowers. Thanks for stopping by!

Centaurea montana, perennial, perennial bachelor's buttons, mountain bluet, garden flowers, blue flowers, cut flowers, cutting garden