I’m wishing camping season was here already. I love getting to spend all day and night in the fresh air, even if the weather is not so perfect. I don’t want to tent camp in the rain because cooking is just impossible, but gray is OK. Here’s a photo of Bowman Bay, at Wahington’s Deception Pass State Park, on a gray and slightly foggy July day last summer.

A sailboat at rest in Bowman Bay at Deception Pass State Park in Washington

A sailboat at rest in Bowman Bay at Deception Pass State Park in Washington

Participating with this post at Water World Wednesday, Nature’s Footsteps Waters Sunday, Skywatch Friday, A Piece of Heaven, Scenic WeekendsWeekend Reflections and Outdoor Wednesday. Thanks so much for visiting! If there’s only one photo here, click on Sara’s Fave Photos above to see the rest of the blog’s recent posts.