These sweet, tiny, white bells are some of my very top-favorite flowers. Luckily, they thrive on the front (north) side of my house. A handful of them in a vase is a heady experience. The fragrance is sublime, and like a sweet dream. Can you tell I love these flowers? I really love this image of them and I’m calling it my Best Post of the Week.

Convallaria majalis, or lily of the valley, blooming in the garden

Convallaria majalis, or lily of the valley, blooming in the garden

Do visit My Romantic Home, Floral Friday, Weekend Flowers, NF Blo-Ma Tuesday, Today’s Flowers, Macro Monday, Fishtail Cottage Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Straight out of the Camera Sunday. Thanks so much for your visit here. Try a new tag or category as long as you’re here, perhaps?