It’s travel weekend, here at Sara’s Fave Photos blog. The pictures below were taken in Peru by my cousin Aurora, the daughter of Sheila, who just went to Hawaii. Peripatetic family! I have never been to Hawaii, but I truly loved my visit to Peru many years ago.

Birds perching on arch rock in Paracas Peru on the Ballestas islands

Birds perching on arch rock in Paracas Peru on the Ballestas islands

Ancient Inca stonework in Machu Picchu, Peru. The stones are fitted so closely that a knifeblade cannot be forced between them.

Ancient Inca stonework in Machu Picchu, Peru. The stones are fitted so closely that a knifeblade cannot be forced between them.

Near Machu Picchu, Peru

On the hike up to Machu Picchu, Peru

Linking these photos to Blue Monday, Scenic Weekends, Seasonal Sundays, Outdoor Wednesday, Skywatch FridayEin Stück HimmelCamera Critters, and Saturday Show Off. To see the latest images here, please click on Sara’s Fave Photos above. Thank you!