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Flowers of Volunteer Park Conservatory.
welcome to Sara's Fave Photos Blog at Love That Image. My goal is to take a photo that is as compelling and beautiful as in real life, with no or minimal Photoshop work. You may copy a photo but link to
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Published Friday, June 17, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
We have a small cherry tree that has not had cherries for awhile, for different reasons. Hubby put a big piece of mosquito netting around one branch clipped close with clothespins, and we actually have some ripe red ones. So very shiny and sweet.

Fresh red cherries, so very shiny
Connecting to Through My Lens Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Weekend Reflections, Pink Saturday, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Gardening,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Ruby Tuesday,Vegetables/Fruits,Weekend Reflections,Wordless Wednesday
Published Monday, June 6, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
The peonies are beginning to bloom! I am so excited. Even only halfway open the perfume is astonishing.

Almost open pink peony
Connecting to Through My Lens Monday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Ruby Tuesday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Saturday, June 4, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
One of the first roses to bloom this year in my garden is a David Austin rose, Carding Mill. The weather is still quite cool and rainy in Seattle, and my fifteen different rosebushes are taking their time to bloom.

Apricot colored, almost orange, Carding Mill rose with soft shadows and a raindrop or two.
Linking to Through My Lens Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,Gardening,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Ruby Tuesday,Shadow Sunday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Saturday, May 28, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
Irises’ leaves are swords in the garden, and in the right light are a canvas.

Late afternoon sun paints shadows on iris leaves
Linking up with Through My Lens Monday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Gardening,My Garden,Nature,Pink Saturday,Shadow Sunday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Tuesday, May 24, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
I love this plant, Campanula portenschlagiana or Wall Bellflower. It grows very well in my north facing entryway, under an overhang, so does fine in dry shade. The starry flowers and leaves are less than in inch across.

Blooming now in Seattle, purple campanula groundcover
Linking to Through My Lens Monday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,Gardening,My Garden,Shadow Sunday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Tuesday, May 17, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
A friend send this from Melbourne, Australia, used with permission. This is something you just don’t see every day, a rainbow grilled cheese sammie, with a happy face.

Australian grilled cheese sandwich. You are welcome.
Also on Through My Lens Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Pink Saturday,Ruby Tuesday,Shadow Sunday,Travel,Uncategorized,Vegetables/Fruits,Wordless Wednesday
Published Sunday, May 15, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
Cut lilacs from the garden don’t last long in bouquets, but that fragrance! Intense and gorgeous.

Garden lilacs in a bouquet
Linking to Through My Lens Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,Gardening,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Ruby Tuesday,Shadow Sunday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Thursday, April 21, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
A rainy day in Ellensburg, WA.

Moody skies at the Ellensburg, Washinton old grain elevator building
Also visit Through My Lens Monday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Skywatch Friday, Pink Saturday, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Buildings,Landscape,Skywatch Friday,Travel,Uncategorized,Wordless Wednesday
Published Monday, April 18, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
Spring is farther along, and these grape hyacinths, or muscari, are in full display as they multiply easily in my Seattle garden.

See the tiny white fringed edges on each tiny flower?
Linking to Through My Lens Monday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Shadow Sunday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Saturday, April 9, 2022, OK personal/derivative use; link
A quick flash of sun against a dark rainy sky, that’s what I love about spring garden photos. The pink dogwood to the right is just in bud, but the Japanese magnolia is in full bloom.

Japanese magnolia tree blooms in a Seattle sunbreak
Linking to Through My Lens Monday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Skywatch Friday, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, and Your Moment Sunday. Thanks so much for visiting here, and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,Landscape,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Ruby Tuesday,Shadow Sunday,Skywatch Friday,Wordless Wednesday