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Flowers of Volunteer Park Conservatory.
welcome to Sara's Fave Photos Blog at Love That Image. My goal is to take a photo that is as compelling and beautiful as in real life, with no or minimal Photoshop work. You may copy a photo but link to
lovethatimage.com. Thank you for your thoughtful comments, and thanks for visiting.
Published Wednesday, January 13, 2021, OK personal/derivative use; link
An August rose for your January day.

Close up of a rose and bud with its soft shadows in my garden in summertime
Also on Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Thankful Thursday, Timeless Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Floral Friday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Garden Affair Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2 and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Ruby Tuesday,Shadow Sunday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Friday, January 8, 2021, OK personal/derivative use; link
Looking through my archives, found this peaceful photo of a friend’s cats staying warm. Isn’t this relaxing just to look at?

Two kitty friends nap in cozy bed
Also at Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Thankful Thursday, Timeless Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Animals,Pink Saturday,Portrait,Wordless Wednesday
Published Saturday, January 2, 2021, OK personal/derivative use; link
I can feel the light growing! The earth has tipped its axis and the daylight begins to return. Happy New Year to you and yours.

Red amaryllis and paperwhites, blooming even in dark times
Connecting with Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Thankful Thursday, Timeless Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Floral Friday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Garden Affair Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2 and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Ruby Tuesday,Shadow Sunday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Saturday, December 26, 2020, OK personal/derivative use; link
Even on a gray and rainy day, there is beauty in the world.

Little angel sculpture waits patiently for spring
Joining up at Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Thankful Thursday, Timeless Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Floral Friday, Friday Bliss, Weekend Reflections, Pink Saturday, Garden Affair Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2 and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Shadow Sunday,Uncategorized,Weekend Reflections,Wordless Wednesday
Published Monday, December 21, 2020, OK personal/derivative use; link
What a year. We are all so grateful for the return of the light. May your world be bright!

Paperwhite narcissus bulbs bloom in winter solstice sunshine
Joining up at Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Thankful Thursday, Timeless Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Floral Friday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Garden Affair Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2 and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,My Garden,Pink Saturday,Shadow Sunday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Saturday, December 19, 2020, OK personal/derivative use; link
Went outside the other day in a dry break and was thrilled to see these bluebell sprouts pushing up already. It’s not even technically winter yet and they speak to us of spring.

Green tips of spring flowers getting started early
Linking up with Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Thankful Thursday, Timeless Thursday, Little Things Thursday, Floral Friday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Garden Affair Saturday, and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Flowers,My Garden,Nature,Pink Saturday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Friday, December 18, 2020, OK personal/derivative use; link
The mysterious thing about these early morning shadows is that the tree branches they show are probably 75 feet away. It’s amazing that the details of the cedar needles are so clear. I am thinking that there must be a pinhole camera effect.

Morning shadows from tree branches very far away
Connecting to Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2 and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Pink Saturday,Shadow Sunday,Uncategorized,Wordless Wednesday
Published Saturday, December 12, 2020, OK personal/derivative use; link
Don’t you love the pink clouds so much?

Feathery pink cloud, like a living being, swirl at sunset
Connecting to Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Skywatch Friday, Pink Saturday, and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Landscape,Nature,Pink Saturday,Skywatch Friday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Tuesday, December 8, 2020, OK personal/derivative use; link
It’s gray and rainy in Seattle this week, with more darkness on the way. Let’s think about summer sunshine and tomatoes, just for a bit, shall we?

Orange sungold and red cherry tomatoes from my garden, with their little star-shaped hats I love so much
Connecting to Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday 2, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Garden Affair Saturday, and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
My Garden,Pink Saturday,Ruby Tuesday,Vegetables/Fruits,Wordless Wednesday
Published Thursday, December 3, 2020, OK personal/derivative use; link
In Seattle on a sunny afternoon at this time of year the shadows reach far into the house.

Striped shadows on my glass of milk
Connecting to Through My Lens Monday, Our World Tuesday, Tuesday’s Wordless Wednesday, Tuesday Treasures, Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World Wednesday 1, Little Things Thursday, Friday Bliss, Pink Saturday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2 and All Seasons Sunday1. Thanks so much for visiting here and hope to see you again soon. Please sign up at upper right for notifications of new posts.
Shadow Sunday,Uncategorized,Vegetables/Fruits,Wordless Wednesday