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Flowers of Volunteer Park Conservatory.
welcome to Sara's Fave Photos Blog at Love That Image. My goal is to take a photo that is as compelling and beautiful as in real life, with no or minimal Photoshop work. You may copy a photo but link to Thank you for your thoughtful comments, and thanks for visiting.
Published Tuesday, February 23, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
This overlook of Puget Sound near my house has been a photo op blessing whenever the clouds part a bit. I like the look of the late day light. You can just see the ripples on the water surface.
Visit Watery Wednesday for more visions of water in all its forms. And for visual reflections, some subtle and some not, visit Weekend Reflections. Don’t forget to visit Scenic Sunday for more scenery of all kinds.
Landscape,Waterscape,Wordless Wednesday
Published Monday, February 22, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
This photo was taken at the NW Flower & Garden show, so it’s forced and blooming under indoor lighting, but still, isn’t it glorious? I think this kind with the frilly edges is a parrot type, but I could be wrong about that.
Visit Ruby Tuesday for more ravishing redness. And Color Carnival is where the other bright colors hang out.
Flowers,Ruby Tuesday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Sunday, February 21, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
We’ve had sunny weather for a week. I planted pea seeds (and nicked and soaked the sweet pea seeds to plant tomorrow) and took the usual stroll to see what has come up. Crocus!
For more flowers in general, you’ll always enjoy Flowers For Today, and do visit Blooming Friday when you get the chance. What about more macros at Macro Monday?
New navigation: Now you can always get back to the latest entry here by clicking on the “Sara’s Fave Photos” title in the header, no matter where you’ve wandered in the blog. I invite you to click on the categories or tags on the left, or whatever strikes your fancy today. Hope you enjoy your visit.
Flowers,My Garden,Wordless Wednesday
Published Saturday, February 20, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
At the NW Flower & Garden Show in Seattle a week or two ago, there was a fabulous orchid display. I believe this is a kind of lady’s slipper, but I am not very knowledgeable about orchids. Enjoy its subtle pink coloration, and visit Pink Saturday for more photos with pink in them.
Flowers,Pink Saturday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Thursday, February 18, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
It’s cleared up and the sky was showing the change the other evening. This one is SOOC, or straight out of the camera. For more skies around the world, visit Skywatch Friday.
Navigation Note: Now you can always get back to the latest entry here by clicking on the “Sara’s Fave Photos” title in the header, no matter where you’ve wandered in the blog. I invite you to look at the memes or tags on the left, or whatever appeals to you today. Hope you enjoy your visit.
Landscape,My Garden,Nature,Skywatch Friday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Tuesday, February 16, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
While it has been quite rainy recently, wetness does not necessarily a photograph make. I thought I’d show this one of a delightfully noisy creek in the Quinault Rain Forest, on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, taken last summer.
Visit Watery Wednesday for more cybermoisture. For fans of scenery, visit Scenic Sunday. And try SOOC, for more straight-out-of-the-camera shots.
Landscape,Nature,Waterscape,Wordless Wednesday
Published Monday, February 15, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
I was at the Volunteer Park Conservatory, right near the Asian Art Museum, having a fine old time with my little Canon and the help of a monopod to help brace the shots. I actually hate shlepping and setting up tripods. I want to take too many shots from too many angles for them to work for me, except in special situations, of course.
I am trying to get the Conservatory to feature a wall calendar for 2011 with photos of their incredible plants and flowers, a calendar created by yours truly. When you visit a place like that, are you tempted by a photo calendar? (Assuming it’s wonderful.) What do you think of that idea?
Visit Ruby Tuesday for more photos featuring the color red, and SOOC for more straight-out-of-the-camera shots.
Flowers,Ruby Tuesday,Wordless Wednesday
Published Sunday, February 14, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
I was at the Pike Place Market and just adored the huge buckets of daffs as well as all the amazing dried flowers and tulips right now.
On this photo, I’ve blurred the background to make that center one pop a bit. Do you like the effect, or do you prefer the more realistic look? I’m very interested in your reaction.
Visit Mellow Yellow Monday and Macro Monday for other takes on those themes. And how about Blooming Friday, a bit early?
Flowers,Wordless Wednesday
Published Sunday, February 14, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
Happy Valentine’s Day to you! No matter how commercial, I love the holiday that’s all about love. And flowers!
To see more flowere all around the world, visit Today’s Flowers. And try Color Carnival for more cheerful, bright colors!
Navigation Note: Now you can always get back to the latest entry here by clicking on the “Sara’s Fave Photos” title at the top, no matter where you’ve wandered in the blog. I invite you to look at the archives of Flowers, Cloudscapes, or Water tags on the lower left, or whatever appeals to you today. Hope you enjoy your visit. Thank you, Marsha Perry of Perry Internet Consulting!
Flowers,Wordless Wednesday
Published Saturday, February 13, 2010, OK personal/derivative use; link
This quick bit of sunshine we saw last week was the last time I did see the sun, so I’m happy to post the brief reminder here. It’s been gray and rainy, typical for this time of year, but it does get a bit gloomy sometimes. Especially when I want to go out in the garden and get things done. Sigh.
This is a SOOC, or straight-out-of-the-camera shot, like most of mine. Visit Shadow Shot Sunday for more interesting shadows. See more windows (and doors) in Window Views. Visit Blue Monday for more things of all kinds in blue.
Navigation Note: Now you can always get back to the latest entry here by clicking on the “Sara’s Fave Photos” title at the top, no matter where you’ve wandered in the blog. I invite you to look at the archives of Flowers, Cloudscapes, or Water tags on the lower left, or whatever appeals to you today. Hope you enjoy your visit. Thank you, Marsha Perry of Perry Internet Consulting!
My Garden,Shadow Sunday,Wordless Wednesday